If you click the option to do not send statement to patients with a claim pending it should NOT create a statement for patients with ANY primary or secondary claim pending. It should not create statements if this or but this IF you chose no statement for patients with a claim pending it should not create one!
Thank you for the recommendation, we are always looking for ways to improve the product. we will consider this for a potential future release.
That is the correct feature for not creating a statement for any patient with insurance pending. do you also increase or use the "If patient portion is less than" amount. this will also increase\decrease the amount of statements it creates.
Hey Admin, it exists, but it doesn't work. We CONSTANTLY have to uncheck patients to not get billed if they have outstanding insurance. We change it to NOT bill if insurance outstanding patient portion is $5000 or less and it still creates a bill. This has happened for YEARS. Fix it please.