I'm trying to figure out the number of inactive patient in my practice and when the patient's were inactivated. The report doesn't provide a date range only the list of pts that have been inactivate in total. Which isn't helpful if the practice was just bought, which is my case.
This will be helpful, so we can figure out the actual # of patients in the practice.
Thank you for the recommendation, we are always looking for ways to improve the product. we will consider this for a potential future release.
I totally agree, a date range is crucial from a management/audit perspective.
My admin staff is responsible for inactivating patients, however, I would like to periodically monitor this task. Obtaining new patients is costly to a practice and as a manager, I would like to be certain that patients are not being inactivating unnecessarily. The Dentrix report currently lists ALL inactive patients in our database (a 400 page report since we have been in business for 25+ years), so this report is useless to me . Also, it would be helpful to know why the patient is being inactivated (ie. going to a different dentist, deceased, etc). We have been keeping an Excel spreadsheet with this information. Knowing why patients are leaving a practice helps in the strategic planning of a practice (is more marketing needed? do we need more personnel training?).