Dentrix Ideas

Claims Attachments Efficiency Overhaul


The current claims attachment process in Dentrix Enterprise is far too inefficient for most (arguably) workflows. The restriction to only 3 file formats (jpg, txt, rtf), presumably set by the insurance industry, is the root of the problem. For example: Our offices scan and store roughly 90% of our patients records in PDF format. PDFs are nice to work with because they; allow easy and efficient multi-page scanning with a single click; group multipage content into a single file on the backend; allow more efficient traversal in Doc-Center; are a universal format. Currently, before we can attach a document to a claim, we must open it up in the Doc-Center, export it as JPG, and then resave it. Not only is this a huge waste of time, but it also creates duplicate files in the patients charts and adds unnecessary overhead in the filesystem and database (compounded further by the Doc-Center’s “Multipage JPG” “solution”). In our estimation, we waste roughly 1-2 hours per day because of this very tedious process.

Possible Solutions:

  1. Add ability to attach from clipboard – clipboard content could be an image format (JPG/JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG) and automatically convert to JPG with a standard or specified compression value); or text and automatically convert to txt or rtf (if includes picture(s) or special formatting). This option would allow use of MS Snipping Tool (among other things).

    1. Add preview of clipboard content before attaching.

  2. Change attach-file to accept any of the accepted file-types (image formats, text formats, PDF’s, Word documents) and automatically convert to acceptable format whenever necessary. Multipage PDFs would be attached as multiple JPG files.

  3. Change attach from Doc-Center to accept any of the accepted file-types (see above) and automatically convert when necessary.

  4. For ease-of-use, add ability to preview attachments and crop jpgs.

  • Guest
  • Nov 5 2021
  • Attach files
  • Maxey Buchwald commented
    11 Jun, 2024 04:48pm

    Note that ins companies are sending EOB's in pdf format. If you file a secondary claim, you have to print/scan/send; again a big waste of time and paper. Also, the quality is a problem, because the pdf's print size is very small, and you have to scan in high res to be able to read the fine print.