Dentrix Ideas

Patient Account Access Websync

The patient account access syncing is very confusing and time consuming.

  • There needs to be more criteria that is entered when a patient creates an account to help us identify the correct patient.

  • There should be an alert to let us know if a patient has already created an account. Right now I have to run the sync to see who is on the list then exit and go through each patient individually to see if they have created an account in the past and then go back into the sync and link them. Otherwise they end up with multiple accounts because patients forget they created an account already.

  • There should be an easier way to link the entire family instead of going in individually after the fact. For instance when you sync the patient a window should pop up with all people in that account we can then select whether or not we want to sync them as well.

  • The change address window that pops up is not accurate. It does not change it for all. We still have to go into the account individually and manually update address, email, and phone numbers

  • There needs to be an option to take off the alert that they will get an email when the account is synced. Per dentrix support recommendation it is a known error that if we select they receive an email when synced it will send an email for every change. and dentrix recommends we do not do that per confusion with patients. However there is no way to take down the message that they will receive an email and this is causing confusion in patients as well.

Please update the patient account access websync to where it is more user friendly for linking accounts. I spend multiple hours a week trying to fix things.

  • Jessica L
  • Jun 21 2021
  • Attach files