I would like to be able to Edit our list of Adjustments Choices without it affecting the History of Adjustments already done in Dentrix. We have 40 types of Adjustment choices. At least 4 Adjustments we no longer use, and many that we Do Use are at the bottom of the list of 40. Requiring us to scroll thru before getting to the Adjustment we need. I saw in Office Manager under Maintenance, Practice Setup, Definitions, and then Adjustments that it looks as if you should be able to Void, change or Add to the Adjustment Choices. However, before doing any changes I called Dentrix to check and make sure that it wouldn't mess with the History of Adjustments already there. (Knowing that if you Change or modify a code such as D1110 it affects every D1110 ever entered in our Dentrix system in it's History under that code) There must be a way to change the Adjustments List, without affecting the History of Patients in Dentrix.
Thank you for the recommendation, we are always looking for ways to improve the product. we will consider this for a potential future release.