Dentrix Ideas

Downgrade feature

Asking for downgrade feature from composite to amalgam to calculate downgrade fee's automatically. Dentrix does not have this and it would be extremely helpful and a time saver to implement this to the program.

  • Guest
  • Feb 11 2021
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  • Robert Lopez commented
    1 Nov, 2024 08:25pm

    On behalf of Steven L Lang:

    instead of doing the following:

    "We went to tx planner>double click the procedure there >enable "override ins primary">place the amount which the carrier will pay (with 90% already placed)>ok>if we needed the $50 deductible to take place, click insurance>enable deductible/maximum option>disable it whenever they don't need the deductible to be reflected.
    we would like this to be done in a more automatic way, like in DTX Ascend

  • Guest commented
    28 Nov, 2023 08:11pm

    Add a feature to calculate Alternative benefits/ downgrades for fillings and crowns!! spending to much time manually calculating when we have a system/ tool that can help us! Thank you:)