Dentrix Ideas

Have the alert button stay on one screen not floating

Have the alert button stay on one screen not floating

  • Guest
  • Dec 8 2020
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  • Leon Gerard commented
    8 Dec, 2022 03:07pm

    Medical alert button needs to be locked in position on the patient chart so that it moves with the Chart and stays visible. Dentrix, you really need to fix this...

  • Leon Gerard commented
    3 May, 2022 07:29pm

    The reason, I think, the Alert button was added to the Chart was because before, we had to use Patient Alerts for critical medical alerts, e.g., ALLERGIC TO LATEX, but the Patient Alerts had to be closed in order to access the Chart, thereby making the medical alert not visible. Now, the red Medical Alert button is always visible and that's great! It needs to be locked into some position on the Chart! If not, like now, if the User is using 2 screens and for whatever reason, sends the Chart to the other screen, the red button STAYS behind, maybe underneath another open window, and you lose the whole purpose of having that button...which I'm thinking is to ALWAYS be able to see the Alert! As an example, imagine the patient has a true anaphylactic sensitivity to something that EVERYONE on the treatment team HAS to be aware of at all times...let's say it's rubbing alcohol... if that chart is moved and that Alert button is left behind, possibly hidden, and someone on the team re-enters the operatory and does not check the Alert b/c they cannot see it, and they inadvertently expose that patient to rubbing alcohol, could be life or death situation!! Same thing could happen (and DID, in my case...) with latex! IMHO, the benefit of being able move the button around on the chart is DWARFED by the potential risk to our patients of not seeing that button always. While the red Medical Alerts button is better than nothing, the REAL way of fixing this is to add Text functionality to the Chart Notations palette so the User can simply type IN GIANT RED LETTERS onto the chart whatever the alert is and then it's ALWAYS right in your face! Same as we used to do with paper charts when we'd take a red marker and write all over the chart. That way you simply can't get away from the alert as long as you have Chart Notations turned on. Please vote for this!!