Dentrix Ideas

More options for Patient Status and Family Position

Provide more options for Patient Status. Allow the practice to customize Patient Status. For example: Patient, Non-patient, Non-person, Inactive, Archived, Deceased, Moved, No Response, To Collections, Emergency, ect. Provide more options for Family Position. Allow the practice to customize Family Postion. For example: Widowed, Deceased, Partner, Divorced etc, allow SSN to be entered on two family files for one person.
  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Jul 9, 2019

    Admin response

    Thank you for the idea!
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  • Brian Travers commented
    25 Oct, 2024 08:20pm

    Ideally there should be options to add in: [ Office Manager-Maintenance-Practice Setup-Definitions ] so that each office can add to the list as they see fit.

  • Susie Nosbusch commented
    17 Nov, 2023 06:10pm

    I requested this a long time ago. We still have to archive NON-Patients to archive an account. Please move forward.

  • Guest commented
    8 Nov, 2023 01:11pm

    Love this idea! Just had a hygienist say this to me this morning!!

  • T. Schneider commented
    19 Oct, 2023 04:08pm

    would be very helpful! please make this a thing

  • Guest commented
    1 Feb, 2022 11:25pm

    Would also be nice to mark accounts that have been dismissed due to being sent to collections or numerous appointments. right now, we just add (coll) or (Dmiss) to the end of their names

  • Guest commented
    1 Feb, 2022 11:24pm

    I love love love this idea!!!

  • Guest commented
    2 Jun, 2020 10:36pm

    We have a lot of patients who are deceased and our only solution is to put "DECEASED" in the name field.

  • Guest commented
    7 Apr, 2020 06:13pm

    Adding "partner" would be nice also.

  • Guest commented
    12 Nov, 2019 09:16pm

    I love this idea but want to see some of it in the "find patient" and not have to actually click on a pt to see it.  

  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    I agree as well. At the moment, the only work-around we've come up with is to (a) change the patient's preferred name to "Deceased" and then (b) archive the patient. It would works for our purposes, but it would great if the Dentrix team made this easier.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    I agree as well. At the moment, the only work-around we've come up with is to change the patient's preferred name to "Deceased" and then archive the patient. It would works for our purposes, but it would great if the Dentrix team made this easier.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    I like the "NO RESPONSE" patient status suggestion. Allows you to track how many patients are "Patchwork Dental Patients" and customize follow up calls for them to try to change their status.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    you can make an medical alert deceased. Also, don't forget to take their birthday out. in case you send bdays cards.. So archiving is best
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    I like this. When I send to collections, I use a medical alert we created for collections. Not really proper, since it's not a medical issue. Also Dentrix no longer allows you to just see the medical alerts anyway, you have to click on the icon to see them. I also create a flag, which sometimes is ignored, and change the billing type, which is easy to miss. It would be helpful to have more pt statuses--patient, non-patient, inactive, archived, deceased, collections, and maybe a few more?
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    Any info on this yet? Thank you. bobbie
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    Hi Bobbie, what STATUS are you referring to specifically? Billing Type, Appointment Status, etc?
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    We just change the billing type & note in the patient file that they are in collections. Changing the billing status allows them to no longer show up when creating billing reports & I can even create a report with only those in collections.
  • Ryan commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    The reasoning for those four choices is related to how the insurance "Relation to Subscriber" will be determined. I could see adding "Widowed" as an option to the menu, but having it act the same as "Single" for the Ins purpose.
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