Dentrix Ideas

Suspend Patient Alerts for one workstation

All the practice to suspend a Patient Alert for only the current workstation when the "Do Not Show This Alert Again Today" checkbox is marked.
  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Jul 9, 2019

    Admin response

    Thank you for the feedback, it is much appreciated.
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  • Sara Kernekin commented
    24 Jul, 2024 01:52pm

    Yes, we need this back immediately!! Not everybody needs to see particular pop ups and they need to be per work station. Please fix this!!

  • Jillian Dehls commented
    8 Feb, 2024 03:19pm

    Yes! This one. Why if I don't need to see the alert about a pt as front desk but the hygienist or assistants need to see it. Super frustrating. A lot of alerts lost bc of this.

  • Farhad Mazi commented
    23 Mar, 2022 03:51am

    We had a problem with is today. A family had specifically requested that they only be scheduled with a particular doctor , about 3-4 years ago. We had an alert on the whole family, and until now, that had worked. However, when they were in for their recall exams recently, apparently someone had checked the "do not show this alert again today" and the person who scheduled their next visit, did not see the alert, and scheduled treatment with the wrong doctor. Today was that day, and the 6 year old patient did not have a pleasant experience, and I'm waiting for a complaint.

  • Guest commented
    15 Feb, 2022 07:43pm

    Yes, an alert might not be important for one person to view that day but important for someone else to see. It should only affect that one workstation and maybe even have the option to set it off for a period of time, like an hour or two instead of the entire day.

  • Guest commented
    15 Feb, 2022 07:43pm

    Yes, an alert might not be important for one person to view that day but important for someone else to see. It should only affect that one workstation and maybe even have the option to set it off for a period of time, like an hour or two instead of the entire day.

  • Alex commented
    9 Feb, 2021 03:53pm

    Here's a suggestion that might work: When a patient alert pops up, there is a check box (like the Medical Alerts) stating "Do not show again today on this computer". But then also a check box "Do not show this alert again today" (for the whole office. THEN: the "OK" button does not work until one or the other of these options is selected.

    This will prevent someone from seeing pop-ups and just hitting enter without even reading the alert. Anyone seeing the alert could then remove it from their computer but not the rest of the office, or could stop it from showing for the whole office if they handled the alert purpose and no one else needs to see it.

  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    I agree, this will be great
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    That would be so great!! This is a huge problem in our office, the clinical team has to open so many pages when a patient comes in, chart, perio chart, treatment planner, etc etc so they get sick of clicking an alert everytime they open a page and just click "Do Not Show This Alert Again Today" but that alert was there for the front desk as a reminder of filing insurance as a paper claim or to apply a discount, when the patient comes up to check out the alert is gone and it might get missed!!!! AWESOME SUGGESTION!! This would be so helpful
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    Should have never been set up as a global shut-off.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    I have called about this myself in the past! Would be great feature to add. I do claims and insurance payments. And it is so annoying that I have numerous popups that I have to close out. We weren't aware of the fact that if I click do not show me, it affects every other workstation, which is NOT good.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    This causes big issues in our office. We are trying to limit when the alert shows up but both the clinic and front desk staff go into the ledger and family file.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    A number of times an assistant has clicked do not show a flag again when it relates to insurance but then the receptionists don't see it.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    In previous versions of Dentrix, when the alert was turned off, it was a work station specific change. A clinical station, for example, should be able to turn off the patient alert for moving the appointment, but the flag should still be visible to other stations to make the decision to remove the flag themselves so that it isn't missed.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    putting different option on the Pop-up (patient alerts) so that when you opt out of seeing it, it doesn't take it off of all the computers only on the computer that opted out for the day
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:51am
    YES, YES, YES!!! I can't tell you the number of times admin misses very important patient alerts because a clinical team member has checked the button to not show again today!!! It should either login specific and not global.
  • +36