Dentrix Ideas

Do not add Rx history from other offices to dentrix rx

Dentrix downloads all patient prescriptions (even those not from my office) into the Rx record. That make it appear I have prescribed those items. In Eprescribe I can access the history on other prescriptions if deisred

  • Guest
  • Nov 23 2020
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  • Amy commented
    February 17, 2022 15:33

    If a prescription is even put into EPrescribe, but not actually processed, is later changed to EIE, or is just sitting in the "Script Pad" portion EPrescribe but not actually automatically downloads it into Dentrix. These are NOT VALID RECORDS. They are not legit prescriptions and should not be included in a patient's record.

    If the same prescription were made by paper in-office, we could delete that script, but the option is grayed out when done through EPrescribe. I can understand not letting you delete a real prescription, but one that hasn't even been completed or has been EIE should have the option to be deleted.