Dentrix Ideas

Include surfaces with description

Would like the description field in the Appointment Book to automatically pull in the surfaces as well as the tooth number and procedure description, so it can be viewed on the appointment without opening it. If the treatment area is a quadrant, sextant or arch, that should also display on the appointment. [2433]
  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Jul 9, 2019

    Admin response

    Thank you for your request.
  • Attach files
  • J Chang commented
    11 Sep, 2024 12:38pm

    This NEEDS to be implemented!

  • Kyle O'Donnell commented
    28 Dec, 2020 02:55pm

    This was one of my favorite features of OpenDental. Please implement!

  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    Why not. This would increase efficiency. The assistant will be better prepaired for the proceedure yet won't have to "look up" the surfaces.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    This would be wonderful...also for the surfaces to appear on the ledger when we're billing the patient out...this would make it easier to check the accuracy of charges.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    This idea already has 328 votes listed under: Include surfaces with description- please add your vote to that one!
  • Ryan commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    It would appear that someone has changed the procedure code settings in your database, because what you describe is not the normal behavior. To resolve this, go to Office Manager | Maintenance | Practice Setup | Procedure Code Setup. Select the code, and choose Edit. Look for the Treatment Area pull-down menu, and choose "Mouth". Save and Close the dialog boxes as prompted.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    This would be so helpful for those of us who work in the ledger and answer the phone. Keep voting!
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    That would be great! When we want to check what surfaces were filled, you have to double click on each procedure from the ledger. It would be nice if the surfaces were displayed, similar to progress notes.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    This is a feature that is available in Patterson Eaglesoft. The information you need is already in the treatment plan in the patient chart - would just have to connect the information to appointment book. One of the features I miss most from Eaglesoft. Please add!
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    please add the surfaces and tooth # to the scheduler. I need to see "24 DO" and not Com b ac2#24!! thanks
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    I think everywhere the tooth number is able to be viewed, then the surface should be readily viewable as well. No matter if it's in the schedule, ledger, daysheet, etc .... It's a vital part of a dental practice to know not only the tooth but the surface as well!
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    add enhancement to change treatment surfaces from the appointment book. It would be nice to be able to change treatment from the apt book quicker than having to open chart, change surfaces and then pull the changed tx into the Tx window.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    The quadrant no longer shows up on the appt book view when doing scaling and root planing. It shows in the tx planner, you select the treatment quad you're appointing for, but then on the appointment description it doesn't show up! So if you just look on your screen at the appt book, it doesn't show, therefore it doesn't print either if you still print a paper schedule.This was not like this before we upgraded to G6. It needs changed back to show properly like before.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    Many dentists I have worked for have complained about the time it takes to chart a patient. I have noticed that in many offices, that assistants don't even use the chart, and write all existing and future tx on a paper for the front office to do later. Is there anyway to simplify charting. Many dentists call out decay much faster than even the fastest computer user can chart it, even with the multicodes. It would be great if we can just click on the tooth, and the surfaces in one shot without going back to the surface box. Some dentists will call out all the MO or DO fillings at once, but this isn't always possible, since most want to chart in tooth order. If the teeth had circles-instead of anatomically correct teeth- with another circle on each side for surfaces, it would be much easier to click on one button for charting decay in red and simply click the surface of decay in tooth order without going back to the surface box.
  • Michael Kapner commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    Also, there is no reason that double digit teeth should appear like this: #12 and single digit teeth like this # 6 (a space after the # sign).
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    Show surfaces of composites in appointment book view. Instead of showing #19 posterior composite, actually list the surfaces that are planned for that appointment (example: #19 MOD composite)
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    Please add the surfaces to the appointment book view.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    The appointment book currently lists an enigmatic shortened description for a 2 surface restoration. The system is aware of the surfaces in chart and this should translate to the appointment book i.e MO to allow back office team members to plan for the appropriate instrumentation to be available.
  • Michelle C commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:43am
    Display surface information for services in the appointment book!
  • +15