In our office, we take 4 BWX and 2 anterior PAs for hygiene visits. We are finding that there is a delay in payment from insurance companies for the PAs because they are not attached to a tooth #. For hygiene appointments, we pull the PA code from the "Initial Reasons" box on the appointment because it is efficient that way. When we have the PA codes (D0220 and D0230) set to select a tooth number, when we pull them from the initial reasons box, those codes do not post to the ledger due to not being attached to a tooth number.
What I propose would save time for our office and many others. Make the "initial reasons" box prompt for a tooth number when those PA codes are selected in it. Either that or allow us to select tooth numbers for those codes so whenever they are selected from that "initial reasons" box they are automatically attached to a pre-selected tooth number.
Please figure this out Dentrix!!
Came here looking for a solution for this. Can we do this please Dentrix?
Yes! Has this happened yet? It's a very simple, common sense solution! My office has the same issue and it is very frustrating!!
YESSSS. Why is this not a thing yet?