Dentrix Ideas

Allow any report to be exported to Excel for data management and manipulation

  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Jul 9, 2019

    Admin response

    This is a great idea, thank you for sharing it!
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    • Guest commented
      August 06, 2024 13:26

      5 years later we are still waiting.

    • Guest commented
      March 29, 2024 15:24

      Was literally just trying to export aging report to excel. This would be a great idea for more efficiency

    • Rituja Shah commented
      October 24, 2023 15:58

      Why isn't it available for all reports on dentrix? Now it works for only custom lists and nothing else. I need the list from Treatment mananger in excel and there is still no option for that!

    • Pam commented
      April 13, 2023 13:57

      The oldest comment in from 2019 and this is still considered "likely to implement"? What is taking so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Tiffanie Flynn commented
      September 16, 2021 17:50

      This feature is an absolute must! The data is already stored in Dentrix somewhere, so I know it wouldn't be that difficult to implement a way to pull the information in a CSV format to export to excel! All the other major softwares do this as far as I know, especially Open Dental!

    • Guest commented
      February 01, 2021 00:15

      Is this a joke? Why is this option not available?

    • April Novak commented
      November 24, 2020 16:12

      WHY are we still waiting on this seems as if we dump a lot of data into dentrix, but dentrix does not want to easily give it up!!!

    • Guest commented
      October 27, 2020 20:38

      Any good software system gives you the option to save in other formats for easy editing. This is an easy addition and should have been done long ago, and an update would be nice.

    • Kim Dimm commented
      May 23, 2020 17:16

      Any update on when this will be a "thing"..... getting reports to our accountant is such a hassle when I can't get the information converted to a standard Excell spreadsheet!

    • Mark Adams commented
      May 05, 2020 13:12

      Or at least, allow the files to be exported to CSV format.

    • Guest commented
      April 17, 2020 17:34

      My take on the electronic ins claim submission. We have many folks with tiny primary ins payments and most of the $ from ins coming from the 2nd ins. In order to do a e claim for the sec, we would have to store the prime in the doc center and then can not be deleated from the doc center at a future date. Even if we could remove them from the doc center, we do not want to take the time to do that or be required to do it at a latter date. This is not what we want to do. we do store all claims in a folder on our server, but have the right and thought of either storing them in off line drives forever or trashing them with one click of deleating a yearly folder. we do not want to keep them on our active database to pay for storage on useless info for years later with no easy way of trashing them. Since the requirement is to put these primary claims in the doc center, we do paper claims for the 2nd ins. There should be a way to use a file to add as an attachment to an eclaim with out it being in the doc center. the file name and location should be enough for dentrix to grab the content and send it with the claim.

      We are currently investigating an alternative to the Dentrix eclaims due to our overwelming number of paper claims we are required to make due to this requirement by Dentrix.

      This requirement is costing us a lot.

    • Luis Bryce commented
      April 15, 2020 17:51

      Dentrix should have implemented this a long time ago on its own accord. This is just a basic function in today's world. It would greatly enhance the value of the software and make it more marketable.

    • Guest commented
      April 08, 2020 17:04

      could not make the vote count update, but I vote 10000 yes votes

    • Guest commented
      April 08, 2020 17:03

      I have long wanted data from dentrix to be able to be exported. I have done work arounds and data entry far too long. Some commentors say they have figured out ways to get data out. I would like to see a place where these work arounds are documented, so I could use them. As a former computer programmer, I find the inability to get data out very frustrating.

    • Guest commented
      April 08, 2020 13:32


    • Guest commented
      April 07, 2020 14:34

      This is a GREAT idea and very long overdue.

    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:21
      And vice versa.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:21
      We can do this through the letters section but I would like to be able to do this to any report as well. For example an Aging report. I would like to be able to organize and manipulate data to suit my needs.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:21
      This is a great idea and would be extremely useful in further analyzing all data from Dentrix. I believe all reports should be exportable into Excel, and the reverse as well. I would definitely use that feature a lot.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:21
      There is a way to do this through the letters section. Create a mail merge with data only and select which data you would like. Then view the list in notepad and then copy/paste into Excel. But don't expect to get production unless you have Dentrix Enterprise.
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