Dentrix Ideas

Birthdate in new appointment window

its is very important to get birthdate for a pt when new appt is made, i am surprised that this is not advised before , nor the requirements team or testing team has pointed or its in the list. whatever that feature is very important
  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • In Development
  • Jul 9, 2019

    Admin response

    Thanks for the information, I'll re-open the idea and ensure it's documented.
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    • Brian Travers commented
      June 06, 2024 22:36

      This enhancement idea is now irrelevant for current version: 24.8.1 (06/01/2024).

      New Patient workflow has been redesigned to a more expected behavior. We can now add all module info for New Patients since NPs have a family File.

    • Jill McDonald commented
      April 09, 2024 17:46

      Adding this singular field has been 'in review' since Sept 2023 but instead chose to focus engineering and production into a completely unnecessary 'workflow' of adding a new family member to an existing family group. Utter non-sense! There's 13 year old kids that have created full playable video games during a 90 minute meal but HS/Dentrix can't get a DOB field added in the most normal & reasonable location - even after seeing all of the workarounds since 2019.

    • Marg commented
      December 11, 2023 13:26


      Our office doesn't activate a NP until they have arrived in our office due to how Dentrix tracks NP in the reports which is directly related to this feature. I wish that Dentrix would track this by using a comprehensive exam code once its posted in the ledger instead. This would allow activation of a NP and would let us enter ALL their information (ie: xrays from another office, ins, DOB, SS ect) This takes alot of time when you have to wait to activate the chart when they are in the office, and everyone is waiting on you to import data for the appointment.

    • Unknown Unknown commented
      February 01, 2023 17:46

      DOB should always be documented. I don't know how this is not something that is already implemented. Along with a small comment section for pertinent information like insurance ID

    • Guest commented
      April 08, 2020 18:55

      We use the address line 2 for the DOB and then have to transfer it separately. It would be more efficient to have a set place for the DOB and it would transfer automatically.

    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:16
      Our office doesn't activate a NP until they have arrived in our office due to how Dentrix tracks NP in the reports which is directly related to this feature. I wish that Dentrix would track this by using a comprehensive exam code once its posted in the ledger instead. This would allow activation of a NP and would let us enter ALL their information (ie: xrays from another office, ins, DOB, SS ect) This takes alot of time when you have to wait to activate the chart when they are in the office, and everyone is waiting on you to import data for the appointment.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:16
      This would be great. The more information that can be included in the new patient information window, the better. Birthday, Insurance Company, etc would be amazing. We do not actually create a family file for the patient until they physically show up for the appointment and entering the information takes a lot longer than it would if we were able to get it in advance. Also helps greatly with being able to verify insurance. TY!
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:16
      When you schedule the NP and your asking for address, name, number why not be able to but in DOB??? It should be on that screen. It takes many steps to go in an add that later. Please make life easier and add the DOB in the new patient screen :)
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:16
      We put the dob in the notes at the bottom of the appointment. We also do put the patient in the system but we do it as a non patient. That way we can put insurance info etc in. We don't put the dob in (we put it in the other ID box). That way the patient can still do the online questionnaire from home and it recognizes them as a new patient. If there is a dob in the system it will not let them fill out the questionnaire online. Dentrix will not recongnize them as a new patient until you mark them as a patient and put in the first visit date. Hope this helps!
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