I think it would be beneficial to be able to change the format from PDF to JPEG once you print an item into the document center. We use dentrix for sending claims now and while attaching documents into the claim, they must be in JPEG form. If we cant change the format once its in the document center or change how its automatically uploaded into the document center (this would be the ideal option) we are being forced to physically print the item and then scan it back in and make it a JPEG which is rather tedious.
There is a current feature that we recommend you to look at by browsing to our knowledgebase. please see the link and article below.
Article: 71078
If you are using the version documented in the article and have this feature setup, its the printer\scanner software where you will need to change your format options. as Dentrix only reaches out to the designated folder and aquires the image created.
I contacted Dentrix chat support and they said it was not and referred me to here...