Dentrix Ideas

adding common list of medications to health history so they can just be checked and not entered manually for every patient

by giving a list of common medications (yes some would still need to be added on a patient by patient status) it would save time as staff could just click on the medication (similar to clicking on medical conditions, a box could be added for dosage etc.

  • Guest
  • Jan 30 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Mar 2, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for the recommendation, we will consider this for a potential future release.

  • Attach files
  • Leon Gerard commented
    29 Jun, 2021 04:05pm

    I completely agree! I was just about to post the same suggestion... Having to add each medication 1-by-1 is UNBELIEVABLY ponderous...just a rough guesstimate, I'd say there are at least 100 generic common medications that could be pre-populated to a default list in Dentrix! How about sending out 1 of those survey emails and have everyone quickly list 10 or more common medications they think should automatically appear in that list? That would give you a v. good start on that list... copy and paste them all into a spreadsheet and let the spreadsheet sort them out.

  • Guest commented
    13 Nov, 2020 01:19am

    Recommend using generic names (we can look up brand/generic) for best longevity of list.