Dentrix Ideas

Print credit card receipts on one page for patient and merchant

Currently when processing a credit card, one page receipt prints for the merchant and another page for the patient. Each receipt is only the size of a half page. Please combine receipts onto one page to reduce waste. 

  • Guest
  • Jan 7 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Mar 5, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for the recommendation, we are always looking for ways to improve the product. we will consider this for a potential future release.

  • Attach files
  • Angie Almaden commented
    6 Jun, 2023 04:18pm

    has this been figured out?

  • Guest commented
    28 Sep, 2022 07:07pm

    I have an issue with the wasted paper for the credit card receipts. Please adjust so that we can print one page and tear off their side.