E verification turns the E blue when the system automatically verifies a patient, but we need it to have a color it turns and then let us turn it the final color when we do the additional steps we have to do to FULLY VERIFY a patient's insurance. We check Pano dates, dates of last x-rays, fluoride eligibility, etc. before we consider a patient fully verified. If the E would turn one color when everification verifies it and then let us change it to a final color when we are done, then we could glance at our appointment book and know what WE had done final insurance verification on. Similar to the ability to change appt status different colors it would be highly useful to be able to distinguish verification of insurance stages with the E that shows on the appointments. I can change status only, and it is only one choice, but that is not what I am looking for. Just need a middle step in between what you do as far as verification and what we do as the final step and it is important to be able to see it at a glance not having to enter the patient's appt.
Thank you for the recommendation, we are always looking for ways to improve the product. we will consider this for a potential future release.