Dentrix Ideas

Report to generate patients in the computer that have never been seen.

There is a need for a report to generate a list of patients that are in the computer but have never been seen for an appointment so that they can be delete. We are a long standing office and back 20 years ago the front desk did not have great computer skills so I find patient often that are in the computer but never came in. It would just help to make the system more accurate.

  • Guest
  • Dec 12 2019
  • Already exists
  • Mar 11, 2020

    Admin response

    You can use the Letters feature to create a list of all patients and sort by "Last visit" to identify those not seen.

    Office Manager \ Letters \ Misc \ Patient report by filter \ Edit

    Clear all filters in the middle section to be blank

    Under the "Data fields" option on the right, expand Patient section and check "Last visit date"

    Click ok \ click Open list manager \ sort by the Last visit date column

    Those blank should be what you are looking for.

    If you need further assistance, we do encourage you to reach out to support.

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