Dentrix Ideas

Review document for patient at appointment

Looking to for a print out that the patient would review at their appointment.  The information would include name, address, phone numbers, medicines, medical conditions, insurances.  The routing slip has most of this information but the medical area is limited.  If we could have a form to show the patient so they could verify the information in Dentrix.

  • Guest
  • Dec 2 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Mar 11, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for the recommendation, we are always looking for ways to improve the product. we will consider this for a potential future release.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    21 Aug, 2020 07:52pm

    This is a very useful idea as patients' attention to the details of their medical history is more focused if they are asked to read something versus having the clinician verbally read to them from their health history and subsequently will be a more accurate confirmation.

  • Guest commented
    5 Aug, 2020 02:45pm

    We would like to see if all patient Cell numbers can be added to hard patient route slip. This would be useful in this day due to Covid and alot of patients working from home. Even in the event of a power failure in the office and we print route slips daily to refer to for each patient.