To compare yearly numbers
Currently you do have the ability to use the Analysis setup menu to modify the filters, to see yearly comparisons.
Practice Management data is displayed on the Practice Analysis screen in four separate columns, based on user selected providers and date ranges. Each of these columns can be customized to display user defined date ranges. Follow these steps to customize the screen to your specific needs. 1 Choose Setup/AnalysisSelect Analysis from the Setup menu. The Setup Analysis dialog box will appear.
2. Choose ProvidersChoose the provider(s) you wish to analyze. If you wish to analyze all providers, check the All box. 3. Customize Analysis ScreenThe block directly below the Select Provider(s) list allows you to customize the Analysis screen. There are four columns on the Analysis screen. Choose the data to be listed in each column. As an example, if you are concerned with MTD totals more than any of the other choices, place MTD in the first column.
Following is a description of each type of range calculation.
Range. Selecting the Range type will display the following Select Date Range dialog box and allows a date range to be entered. Selecting the Current check box will default the beginning date and the ending date to the current system date.
MTD. Even though Month to Date is typically used to show the current month's totals, MTD will allow the selection of any previous month that has been closed out.
AVG. The Average range totals and divides the selected month range into averages, such as a three or six month average.
YTD. Year-to-Date works the same as a cutoff date. For example, by selecting 8/92 as the YTD date, only data stored from the Practice Fiscal Year month to 8/92 will be displayed on the screen. (The Practice Fiscal year beginning month is entered in the Practice Information dialog box.) Selecting the Current check box defaults all data from fiscal year beginning month to the current system date.
Check the Current box if you want the computer to automatically bring up the current year, month, etc.
Choose Save As Default (Optional)When you have configured or customized the Analysis screen, choose the Save as Default button if you wish the settings on the Setup Analysis dialog box to always be the default view for this computer. 5. Choose OK Choose OK to return to the main screen. Any changes you have made will appear on this screen.
If you need further assistance, we do encourage you to contact support.